

In 2011, another designer and I led an internal, grassroots effort to prove the value for physicians for a mobile experience. We collaborated on a prototype, did a 2 day usability study at a user conference and successfully influenced the product roadmap for the next release.

The app has experienced viral growth and widespread adoption across the 100,000+ physicians on the athenahealth network.


Let Doctors

Be Doctors

In 2012, I began a journey along with many talented colleagues to reimagine athenahealth's enterprise electronic medical record. A small group of us worked with a leading design agency to do foundational research, identify opportunity areas and storyboard a 10-year vision for the physician experience. Initially, I led the design research team that supported up to scrum teams working to make the new experience a reality. My role expanded to lead product designers in 2016.

In 2018, I joined the leadership team of the product, comprised of over 250 members of research and development colleagues.

Nursing Journey Insights_ Pain Points, Opportunities, & Ideas.jpg

Design Process: from foundational to usable

What problem are we trying to solve and how much does it matter? Product design includes a vast toolkit that can be applied to any problem. The most important component of any design project is to be able to surface the right problem to solve for users and the business.